Adult Programs

Beginners' Pilates

In this Pilates class you will learn basic Pilates principles, how to change your posture to improve pain syndromes, strengthen the entire body and core muscles, and improve flexibility.

 Dates:  March 26, April 23, May 28, June 25, July 23, August 27, September 24, October 22, 2025 (4th Wednesday of each month)   (No classes in November and December)
 Time:  6:30-7:30pm
 Location:  Franklin Branch
 Free.  No registration required.  Ages 16 & up.  If under 18 years a parent or legal guardian must sign a waiver.  All abilities are welcome.  Please bring a mat and water bottle.


Adult Stretch

Adults ages 16 and up are invited to an afternoon session of stretching and more!

Donna Gambino is owner of Infinity Health in Centerville, a licensed physical therapist, certified Pilates instructor, and fitness author with over 30 years experience.   DONNA’S STRONGEST BELIEF is that if you perform the correct exercises with the right mind work, your body will respond by changing its presentation to the world via changes in your posture, thus allowing pain syndromes to lessen or dissipate completely. Your issues are in your tissues, and through the therapeutic power of awareness you can heal yourself. 

 Dates:  April 9, May 14, June 11, July 9, August 13, September 10, October 8, November 12, December 10, 2025  (2nd Wednesday of each month)
 Time:  1:00-2:00pm
 Location: Springboro Branch
 Free.  No registration required.  Ages 16 & up.  If under 18 years a parent or legal guardian must sign a waiver.  All abilities are welcome.  Please bring a mat and water bottle.


Not Swamp Gas:  The True Story of Colonel Gary K. Carroll, Project Blue Book, and Flying Saucers

Renowned UFO researcher and author, Ray Szymanski, has gained a reputation for his meticulous investigation into the UFO phenomena.  Join Szymanski as he discusses UFO (now UAP-Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon) experiences, deliberate government coverup, ridicule of the eyewitnesses, and the 2021 admission by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence that flying saucers are real.  Book sales available before and after the program.

Date:  Tuesday, March 25, 2025
Time:  5:30-8:00pm
Location:  Springboro Branch
Free.  No registration required.  All ages are welcome.

  • 5:30 - Doors open for pre-talk book sales
  • 6:00 - Presentation begins
  • 7:00 - Q&A session
  • 7:15 - Book sales


Summer Writing Seminar

Writers of all levels, beginner to published author, are invited to attend an adult writing series with career educator, author, and poet Janet E. Irvin.  Writing as J.E. Irvin, she is the author of eight mystery/thriller novels and her poems have appeared in a variety of print and online publications.  Her memberships include the Greenville Poets, Sisters in Crime, Central Ohio Fiction Writers, and Buckeye Crime Writers.  Irvin also teaches writing classes through the University of Dayton's Osher Lifelong Learning Institute.

Week #1: June 24 - Taking the first step

Week #2: July 1 - How to craft a strong opening to a story, novel, poem, essay

Week #3: July 8 - Plotting or Pantsing - finding a process that  works for you

Week #4: July 15 - The arc of a story

Week #5: July 22 - Endings

Week #6: July 29 - Paths to publication

Format: Instruction on the topics, writing practice, critique circles.

All programs are from 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. at the Springboro Branch.  Attendees should bring writing tablet and instruments. 

Ages 16 and up.  Free, registration requested, not required.


Adult Summer Reading Program

The library's summer reading program begins on Tuesday, May 27, and runs through Saturday, July 19.  Any adult patron who borrows library materials during the program will automatically be entered to win local gift certificates.  Books, audiobooks, online materials, magazines all count to be entered.  

Ages 18 and up.  No registration required.  One entry per person.  Prizes will be awarded at the end of the program.